My Top Medium Posts

Personal Bests

B.R. Shenoy
2 min readFeb 3, 2024


Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

I took the liberty to write this piece as a compilation of my top Medium posts. I was inspired after reading a story by Aaron Paulson on his personal best awards.

Aaron attributes his idea to Christina Daniels. She, in turn, credits Darrin Atkins for the original concept.

So, here goes.

My First Ever Boosted Story:

My 12th (Latest) Boosted Story:

My Most Viewed Story:



B.R. Shenoy

Avid Globetrotter• Expat on 3 Continents•12x Boosted Writer•Editor:The Shortform• NewsBreak Writer•https://brshenoy.substack.com•M.S. Toxicology •Proud Mom of 2